
Take a look at the latest gaming resources to help you navigate the world of online video games, from setting parental controls to finding suitable games for your children.

What’s on the page

Useful resources

Setting parental controls on games and consoles

Here are tech tools and parental control guides that you can use to set digital boundaries on games consoles and gaming platforms that your child uses. These are a simple way to monitor how your child is using their device to help them build good online habits.  It’s always good to sit down together with your child to discuss how you’ll be using these so they feel part of the decision making process.

Gaming consoles & platforms parental control guides

Cybersmile advice on dealing with in-game abuse

Ask About Games all parental controls in one place

Social media privacy guides

Google safety tools for families

Online game review sites to choose games

Get support to choose the best video games and platforms most suitable for your child with these helpful resources.

Amazing games family guide

Ask About Games family game stories

Video playlist of advice on great games

Common Sense media games reviews

Parent Zone advice and guides

National Video Games Arcade

Gaming guides for parents

See the latest gaming guide created for parents to help give children the right support to make smarter and safer choices while gaming.

Ask About Games – Introduction to video games

UK Safer Internet Centre – Gaming guide for parents and carers

ThinkuKnow – Gaming advice for parents

Cybersmile – Gaming help centre

Supercell parents’ guide

Roblox parent’s guide

Gaming guides for children

See the latest gaming guide created for children help give children the right support to make smarter and safer choices while gaming.

BBC own it – Gaming advice for children

Childline’s Online gaming guide

Super Parent great kids games

Gaming books

See our recommended list of books on gaming to learn more about the benefits of gaming and ways to help children develop good gaming habits.

Taming Gaming – Guide Your Child to Video Game Health by Andy Robertson

Lost in a Good Game by Pete Etchells

The New Childhood by Jordan Shapiro

Moral Combat by Ferguson and Markey

How to Talk About Video Games by Ian Bogost

A History Of Video Games by Iain Simons & James Newman

Gaming organisations

Here is a list of organisations that provide support to parents on issues relating to gaming such as age ratings or are seen as a collective voice to represent the gaming industry as a whole.

Pan-European Game Information provides age ratings on games

VSC Rating Board is the administrator of PEGI ratings

UKIE is the trade body for the UK’s games and interactive entertainment industry

ESRB provides video games ratings in the US