Our experts

Meet our expert panel, a broad range of industry professionals with in-depth knowledge on a range of e-safety issues affecting children and young people.

Our experts are on hand to offer advice to parents on online safety issues that they’re most concerned about.

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Carolyn Bunting


Expertise: General internet safety

See Biography

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Lauren Seager–Smith

CEO, Kidscape

Expertise: Bullying, cyberbullying, general online safety

See Biography

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John Carr

Online Safety Expert

Expertise: Online safety regulation & policy, general online safety

See Biography

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Will Gardner

CEO, Childnet International & Director, UK Safer Internet Centre

Expertise: Online safety regulation & policy, general online safety

See Biography

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Catherine Knibbs

Child Trauma Therapist

Expertise: Online abuse & cybertrauma, mental health

See Biography

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Sajda Mughal OBE

CEO of JAN Trust and Consultant

Expertise: Radicalisation, social inclusion

See Biography

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Karl Hopwood

Independent E-safety Expert

Expertise: General online safety

See Biography

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Julia von Weiler

Executive Director, Innocence in Danger

Expertise: Online grooming & sexual abuse, general online safety

See Biography

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Andy Robertson

Freelance Games Expert

Expertise: Gaming, family technology

See Biography

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Martha Evans

National Coordinator

Expertise: Bullying, cyberbullying, SEND, disability

See Biography

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Rebecca Avery

Education Safeguarding Adviser (Online Protection), Kent County Council

Expertise: Gaming, family technology

See Biography

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Dr Tamasine Preece

Head of Personal and Social Education

Expertise: Social media, self-harm and suicide & sexual and mental health

See Biography

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Dr Elizabeth Milovidov, Esq.

Law Professor and Digital Parenting Expert

Expertise: General online safety

See Biography

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Parven Kaur

Digital Parenting – Helping parents & Children Thrive in a Digital future

Expertise: General online safety

See Biography

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Alan Mackenzie

Online Safety Specialist, E-safety Adviser

Expertise: General online safety

See Biography

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Ademolawa Ibrahim Ajibade

Decentralised Finance Research Analyst

Expertise: NFTs, cryptocurrency, blockchain security, personal finance, eCommerce, gambling, online gaming

See Biography

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UK’s technical authority for cyber security

Expertise: Cyber security, online safety

See Biography

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Dmitri Williams, PhD

Professor of Communication

Expertise: Gaming, trends in technology

See biography